Thursday 30 January 2014

Just two blind beggars - Matthew 20:30-34

I'd waited for this day, it seemed I'd waited for this day all my life. I was with Reuben, as usual. We were always together & we'd spoken much about Jesus & about what we had heard about Him being able to heal & restore sight, as well as much more. Well, we didn't care about the much more, but we cared about being able to see! The problem for us both was that neither of us had any family who would take us to Jesus & we only had each other as friends - who wants to be a friend of the blind man who sits begging?

Anyway we'd decided that the only way to get His attention was to shout & scream until He heard us. What should we shout was our next question? We needed Him to know we believed in who He says He is, so after much discussion we decided we'd shout 'Adonai, have mercy on us, oh Son of David'.

We knew we had to time it just right you see, so we had to shout it in unison, in order for Him to hear us above the crowd. He was unlikely to see us - most people don't. We fade into the background of their lives, just part of the scenery.
We heard the crowd long before they arrived, we waited, we waited & then we both knew it was THE time. We yelled as loud as we possibly could, in unison, together in our overwhelming desire for this one chance at healing. 'Adonai, have mercy on us, oh Son of David'.

The first thing that happened was that the crowd must have seen us, they sure did hear us because they told us to be still & shut up! They didn't think Jesus wants to be bothered with the likes of us - blind beggars, part of the distasteful side of life. Reuben & I didn't care, we yelled again, louder this time, because we were scared, this one chance couldn't pass us by, it just couldn't.
'Adonai, have mercy on us, oh Son of David'.

We could hear the crowd had stopped moving, I think my heart stopped with the crowd as an eternity passed & we waited to see what would happen next.
He called us, HE called us by name, He knew our names! He didn't just call out 'Hey you two blind beggars' He called our names. We helped each other up, as we always did & then some of the people in the crowd took us the few steps to Him. We knew it was Him when He asked us what we wanted Him to do for us - there is something in His voice you know, something that you don't hear very often like hearing an animal attack in order to protect her cubs so powerful, yet gentle at the same time.
We told Him we simply wanted to see. It's all we wanted, it's everything we wanted, just to be able to have our eyes opened.

Next thing I knew, Reuben gave a shout, 'I can see, I can see!' But before I had time to wonder or to think anything any longer, I felt a touch on my eyes; He touched my eyes, such a light touch but it had such heat from it, right through my eyes & into my whole being, just like the sun in all it's strength warming me in my whole body. Suddenly I was aware; I could feel my eyes. I could open them. I could see!

Reuben & I hadn't thought beyond being healed, hadn't thought about what we'd do if we were healed, but actually there wasn't any doubt after we had been healed, no discussion was needed, no question once we were able to see. No question because all we could do was worship Him & follow Him. Our sight wasn't everything as we'd thought, because HE was everything.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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